The Landscape

Covering an area of 29,000 hectares, National Park Nieuw Land is the largest man-made nature park in the world. Within this vast landscape, the marsh area of the Oostvaardersplassen particularly showcases how stunning nature can spontaneously emerge in unexpected places. Large bodies of water remained on newly reclaimed land that was once intended for industry. That eventually did not materialize. Nature, with a little help from humans, took over the land and grew into a rugged wilderness with vast reed marshes, grasslands, water pools, and willow forests. A wilderness where countless geese and waterfowl, swarms of butterflies, the rare sea eagle, and the largest herd of wild horses in Europe have found their habitat.

Bossen en Heide

Forests and Heaths

Moerassen en Venen

Coastal and Tidal Zone

Rivieren en Beken

Swamps and Peatlands

Landgoed en Erfgoed

Lakes and Ponds

Bike with us

Virtual cycling in National Park Nieuw Land and Oostvaardersplassen

Route map

You will bike in the vicinity of the towns of Lelystad, and Almere.

Start and finish near bike node 20 at the Knardijk in Lelystad. However, this bike route is a circular tour, so it offers the possibility to start from any of the following bike nodes.

20 - 8 - 92 - 91 - 2 - 94 - 23 - 24 - 67 - 18 - 97 - 24 - 93 - 6 - 5 - 45 - 8 - 6 - 20

Elevation meters