Gelderse Vallei and Speulder- en Sprielderbos
Cycling in a valley landscape with meadows, fields, moors and one of the most beautiful and oldest forests in the Netherlands.

The Landscape
When the glaciers finished their work 150,000 years ago, a landscape of hills and valleys was left behind. Extensive forests and heathlands arose on the hills of the Veluwe, and in the valley of the Gelderse Vallei a slightly undulating landscape with grasslands and streams. So much for the characteristic description of the landscape. The romantic version? Dense forests with irregularly shaped trees, monumental country estates and prehistoric burial mounds followed by an intimate farm landscape with farmsteads, meadows, fields, hedgerows, streams and moors.

Forests and Heaths

Estates and Heritage

Polders and Farmlands

Hills and Valleys
Route map
Start and finish at bike node 56 on the Arnhemse Karweg in Putten. However, this bike route is a circular tour, so it offers the possibility to start from any of the following bike nodes.
56 - 48 - 34 - 80 - 30 - 17 - 12 - 18 - 36 - 37 - 4 - 3 - 7 - 45 - 46 - 48 - 49 - 6 - 31 - 94 - 57 - 91 - 50 - 56