The Landscape

Heeze and Leende are often mentioned in one breath. Logical you would say, because both villages are part of the municipality of Heeze-Leende. But together Heeze and Leende also own two immense nature reserves with extensive farmlands, forests, fens and heaths. Leende even measures the highest density of nature reserves in hectares per inhabitant. And near Heeze is Het Beuven, with its 85 hectares the largest fen in the Netherlands, flirting in the immensity of the Strabrechtse Heide. Enough reasons for a natural visit!

Forests and Heaths

Estates and Heritage

Polders and Farmlands

Rivers and Streams

Bike with us

Virtual cycling in Heeze-Leende and Groote Heide

Route map

Start and finish near bike node 62 on the Rul in Heeze. However, this bike route is a circular tour, so it offers the possibility to start from any of the following bike nodes.

62 - 63 - 88 - 85 - 94 - 97 - 31 - 98 - 62 - 64 - 63 - 8 - 30 - 4 - 34 - 5 - 59 - 41 - 99 - 6 - 38 - 36 - 56 - 55 - 53 - 80 - 20 - 52 - 50 - 61 - 62

Elevation meters