How does it work?

A bicycle node network is a collection of numbered nodes and connections between them. A sign with the node number is placed at the location of a node. It also shows the direction to the nearby nodes. The connections are also marked with signs. A bicycle node network allows for easy navigation, because a route can be described by the node numbers.
The bicycle node network is recognizable signposted with green/white signs indicating the number of the node. Via the numbered signs you cycle from node to node. The distances between the bicycle nodes are in kilometers indicated on the map. To find out more, please watch the video about the Dutch bicycle node network.
Planning routes
You can find various bicyle route planners on the Internet. Some of these route planners are also available as apps. The most important is that you use an up-to-date route planner. Bicycle nodes are changed or removed for various reasons, for example because of the construction of a new road or a new district, which made it necessary to move or remove a particular bicycle node.
By using a route planner that regularly updates the bicycle node network, you will significantly reduce the possibility to miss a bicycle node. Of course you will understand that not every new change in the bicycle node network can be adapted immediately in the bicycle route planners. Therefore I recommend to check the information boards at the nodes regularly.