The Landscape

So close to the busy inhabited world, yet so peaceful, wide and untouched, there are two beautiful nature reserves: the National Park Zuid-Kennemerland and the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen. The rugged dune landscape of these areas forms a nice contrast with the centuries old estates with manor houses and park-like gardens in the dune forests and the wide, golden-yellow beaches along the North Sea coast. From the highest dune tops you have a fascinating view over a varied landscape with forests, lakes, drifting dunes, moist dune valleys, variegated flower fields and the North Sea. Highly recommended for nature lovers!

Forests and Heaths

Coastal and Tidal Zone

Estates and Heritage

Polders and Farmlands

Bike with us

Virtual cycling in National Park Zuid-Kennemerland

Route map

You will bike in the vicinity of the towns of Zandvoort, Santpoort, Haarlem, Heemstede, and Hillegom.

Start and finish near bike node 36 on the Duinvlietspad in Overveen. However, this bike route is a circular tour, so it offers the possibility to start from any of the following bike nodes.

36 - 83 - 82 - 72 - 76 - 15 - 16 - 11 - 44 - 78 - 6 - 86 - 31 - 79 - 77 - 37 - 18 - 66 - 6 - 5 - 7 - 99 - 19 - 21 - 36

Elevation meters