The Landscape

The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Schokland was the first in the Netherlands to gain World Heritage status in 1995. Here, the history of the Netherlands lies in a soil where once a turbulent Zuidersea ruled. From the Middle Ages, Schokland was a bare and swampy island until the Noordoostpolder was drained in 1942. Now it has a lush nature with forests and wet grasslands. In the polder landscape around Schokland, where the Zuidersea still existed at the beginning of the 20th century, you will now find an attractive landscape where grasslands, fields, orchards, water and forest alternate harmoniously.

Bossen en Heide

Forests and Heaths

Moerassen en Venen

Estates and Heritage

Rivieren en Beken

Polders and Farmlands

Landgoed en Erfgoed

Lakes and Ponds

Bike with us

Virtual cycling in Noordoostpolder and UNESCO World Heritage Schokland

Route map

You will bike in the vicinity of the towns of Nagele, Ens, Kraggenburg, Vollenhove, and Marknesse.

Start and finish at bike node 61 on the Schokkerringweg in Schokland. However, this bike route is a circular tour, so it offers the possibility to start from any of the following bike nodes.

61 - 47 - 75 - 37 - 98 - 52 - 39 - 85 - 22 - 5 - 38 - 14 - 10 - 3 - 9 - 64 - 95 - 81 - 70 - 20 - 87 - 21 - 61

Elevation meters